04 September 2011

How to Make an Awesome Baby Boy Scrapbook

By Janette Miller

Whether he's still a little treasure or has all grown up and made his way into the world, your boy will have given you a lot of memories which explains why a baby boy scrapbook is a preferred choice. Its only after they have made the choice to make one, that many scrapbookers become unglued at the simplest way to put one together. Well fear not I'm glad to pass along some tips that could help you with your next one!

Firstly avoid pink! I don't believe this will apply to many of you, but I have seen a baby boy scrapbook that was done with a principally pink theme. The general public that went to view the book believed it was one for a girl. I'm not saying you have got to select blue, but unless you want to truly shake up the social norms, pink is best left for another project.

Now, I am not going to dictate what colour you baby boy scrapbook should be. Many of us go with a good bet and choose the standard pale blue that most associate with boys. I would encourage you to split out a bit and have a look at some other colors maybe your boys favourite color, or the colours of his favourite super hero?

Secondly, get creative with the photos and designs. Your son will know what he looked like growing up, what he'll have forgotten is some of the clothes he used to wear and the toys he used to play with and his childhood friends. These are some examples of the fundamental things he is going to remember from his infancy ( with a little memory jogging ), that he may have or will forget when he grows up.

Finally, do not forget to add some different materials to the scrapbook. Some buttons or fabric from his favorite sweater, a chunk of a toy that broke off or some of the design that they made early school always makes for great pieces to add into your baby boy scrapbook.

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